Posts from the Dr Libby Blog
Posts from the Dr Libby Blog
There are some periods in our life that are unavoidably busy. We might have multiple deadlines, an influx of unavoidable commitments or it’s school holidays and we’re trying to juggle between kids and work. But what happens if that busyness never subsides?
Do you ever struggle to know when to speak up and when to stay quiet? It’s a balance that many people find tricky to navigate. For some, there will be a tendency to keep quiet so as not to rock the boat or risk confrontation. For others, it might be they blurt things that they […]
If your body stayed exactly the way it is now, would you be happy? When we consider our level of self-love, this is a good question to ponder. For many, self-love is always a future thing – I’ll be happy when … While change and growth are both wonderful things to strive for, the intention […]
Do you have trouble flexing your “no” muscle? While it’s certainly not true for everyone, if you’re a people pleaser by nature, chances are you will find it hard to say this short but powerful word… And you’re likely exhausted from trying to appear stronger than you feel. There is an art to saying no […]
Ever wake up feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck? It could be that your adrenal glands are struggling to keep up with what you’re asking of them. Only the size of a walnut, these mighty glands—you have two—are part of your endocrine system and they sit just on top of your kidneys. They […]
12.00am, 2am, 2.15am, 3.00am – do these times look familiar? When was the last time you actually slept through the night? Or better still when was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed? Unfortunately more often than not I hear the phrase “I can’t remember.” Can you imagine a world free from sleep anxiety […]