Posts from the Dr Libby Blog
Posts from the Dr Libby Blog
We recently asked our Facebook community what frustrated them most when it came to their food. Here’s what people shared: “That there’s always someone, somewhere saying your choices are bad. One minute it’s promoted as “healthy” and the next it’s not” “Knowing what quantities to eat for your age (and avoiding that middle age spread)” […]
Do you have moments when you get so ravenous you can’t think straight? When hunger takes over your body and you need to eat immediately or you feel you’re at risk of fainting? Some people even use the word ‘hangry’, describing how they get overwhelmingly grumpy until they’ve refuelled. When you’re in this state, your […]
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin (because it contains the trace element cobalt), is an incredibly important B vitamin. It is necessary for the production of red blood cells and plays an important role in maintaining the health of nerve cells and in the formation of genetic material. All of the B vitamins, including B12 […]
There have been books and movies written about it, its abundance rivals coffee… and it seems every second week there is a study released about the benefits of chocolate. There are a number of reasons why chocolate can be beneficial for your health, however not all chocolate is created equal.
The wisdom “let food be thy medicine” dates back almost 3,000 years, and the importance of this statement is no less important now than it was then. Food has the ability to help support us through these times when common winter illnesses such as colds and flus, sniffles, coughs, chapped skin and the winter blues abound for too many.
The liver is responsible for some of the body’s most important processes that allow us to maintain great health. If there is one organ in the body that we could all benefit from taking extra good care of, it is our liver. If our liver stops doing its job properly, it will begin to take […]