Posts from the Dr Libby Blog
Posts from the Dr Libby Blog
Ever wake up feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck? It could be that your adrenal glands are struggling to keep up with what you’re asking of them. Only the size of a walnut, these mighty glands—you have two—are part of your endocrine system and they sit just on top of your kidneys. They […]
12.00am, 2am, 2.15am, 3.00am – do these times look familiar? When was the last time you actually slept through the night? Or better still when was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed? Unfortunately more often than not I hear the phrase “I can’t remember.” Can you imagine a world free from sleep anxiety […]
We all know that many of our lifestyle choices influence our health and wellbeing, however, what we don’t often consider are the small things we repeatedly do that impact our health. I believe it’s important to consider health and wellness changes framed from a positive perspective – for example, how you can help to improve […]
In all my years working with people on an individual level or in a group, regardless of their age, sex or current health status there is often one thing that unifies people’s health and wellness goals – energy and the desire for more. When you ask someone how he or she is these days the […]
In today’s world of deadlines, demands and a general desperation to create more time in our days, in order to get more done, it can be very easy to believe that there is no time to stop and meditate. However, if that’s how you feel than you’re the very person who needs to consider meditation […]
Iron is a mineral vital to your inner health and outer beauty, particularly your energy and hair, yet iron deficiency is the most common dietary deficiency in the world. It particularly affects children, menstruating women, and pregnant women. In the Western world, it is estimated that up to 25 per cent of children under the […]